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Uncomfortable, confronting but Necessary…

Live stream on Sunday (tomorrow) at 4 pm on our YouTube channel, lots to talk about!

For now here are some insights with the Survival guide for the near future time…

Beloved Family, this post may be uncomfortable to digest but I feel that it is my duty to prepare you for this possibility which will last for a bridging period of time. I never enjoy delivering this information as a part of the ‘future awareness’ events over the last 3 years, but the time has come to highlight it once again.    

 In this post I have combined my knowledge with the knowledge of others and I will keep on updating this post as we go but here it is… breath and take it easy…

I know that some people out there don’t like it when I write such “negative” articles.  But I wouldn’t be doing my duty if I didn’t warn people about what was coming, and I actually believe that articles like this give people a lot of hope and empowerment to take action.

There is hope in understanding what is coming, there is hope in getting prepared, and there is hope in connecting with others that are also preparing.

Just like we witnessed during the early stages of this COVID-19 pandemic, the people that will be freaking out when things get really crazy will be those that do not understand what is happening and haven’t made any preparations in advance.

Millions upon millions of people will not be able to handle the times that are coming, but we prepare because we believe that with the divine love / spirit guidance and protection we can make it through all of the storms that are ahead.

I understand that there are a lot of people out there that are feeling extreme financial stress during this severe economic downturn, and acquiring all of the items on this list may not be possible. And that is okay.  Our job is to do the very best that we can with what we have, and we shall trust great spirit with the rest.


On this coming Monday late night Venus in Gemini will square Neptune retrograde in Pisces while they both align with Jupiter retrograde in Capricorn.

Mars will square mercury, moon in Scorpio will align with sun in Leo, Uranus in Taurus, Chiron in Aries. this is intensely trans-formative to both sides positive and negative. 

I will talk about it in our live stream on Sunday at 4pm

The ‘three Georges dam’ in chine is about to collapse!!! 

I believe it most likely will happen in alignment with this astrological event as Venus represent mother nature and Neptune represents the waters while Jupiter expand and magnify this dynamic in Capricorn which is around the structure…

This will not only effect 400 million people (40 million are already displaced) but it will have a huge impact on the economy and the supply of food/agriculture/resources.

It will impact ‘Whuan’ as well which is where the “Poo” hot spot is…

You see where I am going with it… unpleasant.

As I have told you in the past the Solar Eclipse main path will indicate to us the trigger points of the process which will unfold over the 6 months eclipse cycle… well, guess what? It is right on the path of the solare eclipse

This I believe will be the beginning of the intense collapse which will manifest fully in September-October as the pivotal point.

This has given me an urgent call to post these guidelines to you because we are now entering the “red hot” times of chaos. If you wish to mock this post for being of “preppers” nature please feel free to do so, but I urge you to take it into your consideration.

In the worst case scenario of a system melt down you need to understand that we are living in a large city with 4 million people that rely on food supply by the outer suburbs. Food supply will be gone from the city within 1-3 days!

Imagine what would happen if there was a financial breakdown with no new deliveries due to a collapse. We’re talking only hours after the word starts to spread before all the shelves are wiped clean (most likely from looting as electronic transactions will freeze).

GET TO KNOW YOUR NEIGHBOURS as they will be your new community. You will need to band together and help each other through this, but you would also need to know who to stay away from! Share your knowledge with them on how this all came about and the great potential for us to get though it if we stick together. YOU can change the way your community thinks and deals with the coming chaos. Yes, you might have to approach them AFTER the first signs of the crash because we all know how people react to us radical gold/silver/crypto bugs already. But you can ease them into a NEW relationship you must development when things really start to fall apart. This local group will also be your barter partners so develop a good working relationship with your neighbours. Obviously keep your privacy in high regards, do not share with others what you have! Meaning do not speak of the fact that you have silver/gold/crypto… people become funny in survival mode, even those you thought were cool suddenly could lose it and misbehave.

Remove Yourself From The Electronic Financial System. if you have any “assets” that are still entangled in the Electronic Financial System expect to lose them somewhere in the coming crash. That will most likely be balanced out by your holdings of gold and silver coin but only if it’s in your own possession.

Here is a summer up list, a more detailed list will be at the end of this post:

1. Join or create a community, circle/group of friends, neighbors. as a tribe we survive and thrive! When we come together we are amazing and powerful! Thank goodness you are reading this post because you are already a part of our loving community and the importance of it haven’t fully unfolded yet…

2. We need water to in order survive. If there is a total breakdown you won’t be able to rely on the local utilities for ANYTHING for a while. Stock water for a minimum of a week to a maximum of a month or 2 – Remember you will need to cook & clean with it too. Fill up large plastic containers and store it away from sunlight. Think average of 2 liters of drinking water per a person per a day on top of cooking and basic washing.

3. Stock emergency food, think smart as for storage and minimal lost: So I recommend having a substantial amount of dried food on hand at all times. How much you will need will depend on the amount of people you will be sheltering and the duration of the collapse. I am of the view that the more dried food you have the better off you will be. Bartering with your extra food will prove to be very, very valuable if the problems persist. We all have different dietary requirements and philosophies so feel free to adjust my list according to you way of being.

4. Basic survival needs: flashlight,  camping gas stove/BBQ with extra gas, Lighter, matches, candles, oil lantern, 

5. Camping equipment: Backpack, tent, sleeping bags, map, knife, rope, hammer, axe/saw etc… In case you will need to get out of the city if it becomes unsafe. In that case look for locations with natural drinking water supply. It might be better to stay away from the most attractive ones as they will attract many. Hopefully we would be able to come up with a meet up point if it will be needed.

6. Stock extra amount of important medications for allergies, asthma, diabetes, etc…

7. Elders and kids essentials if you have some around you who will need your support. Extra nappies, baby food for the little people, medications (fever/pain) , etc…

8. A good first AID kit with all the main essentials.

9.  Batteries For radio, flashlight and basics

10.  Protection & Safety – Given that you WILL be one of the few that is fairly prepared for this transition it is only appropriate that you protect your possessions as well as yourself and loved ones against those that were not as prepared and willing to take what they need. There are many steps you can take to tighten up your security. Get a VERY LOUD alarm for your home (and a battery powered back-up), there are ultra sonic whistles that can dismantle anyone mo matter how big or small they are because of the frequency. Get motion censored security lights. Get a BIG safe and anchor it into the ground. Get a portable water purifier. If you are with a group of people get some walkie-talkies. 

11.  Something for Self defence like a Stick (for gardening you  know…), we can’t do too much about it by law in Australia so we have to be creative… even a cooking pot can help…  Yes I know it is uncomfortable to think about it as we are peace people and we do not want to manifest it at all. There are a lot of spiritual approaches to this matter but the bottom line is simple… When it comes to survival, the human nature changes in many cases due to the conscious and unconscious SURVIVAL states of fear, anger, depression, etc.. That can result in some people “misbehaving” This guide is for different types of people therefore I cover the basic approach of self defense. I recommend you to tune into yourself and feel what is right for you to do. If you do not choose to follow this tool it is OK! I don’t like it either…

12. Gold, Silver & Cash – “If there is a total breakdown of our electronic monetary system (as in wiped clean from the earth) you are going to want a nice pile of physical cash as well as gold and silver coins. The cash will be very valuable in the early stage of the crash because very few will have access to any and people are still conditioned to deal in fiat money. I suggest $1’s, $5’s, $10’s and $20’s. Also keep piling up that change that you currently toss into your change jar. It should go a long way right after the crash.

As for gold and silver…it might take a while for them to be accepted by the masses. With the markets frozen shut even gold and silver die hards will not know the value of a 1oz coin. It is likely that there will be some sort of announcement by the Government about backing the new currency with gold or silver but it will take a while for people to both understand and accept this transition. Pre-1965 90% silver coins may be a very good transition money as they are recognised as legal tender, have the form and shape of our current money and their purity is reliable as forgery of these coins has not been a problem due to their low value…at least at the moment. There will likely be warnings to watch out for fake gold and silver as the veil is lifted off the ETF fraud and the bars drilled.” (Bix Weir)

One of the results of the currency crash will be the End of Globalisation. This is easy to understand because nobody will be accepting fiat money any more. There will be anger at the US for basically defaulting on the dollar promises. China will nationalise all our factories and equipment in their country as payback. They will use this infrastructure to supply goods to their own population. Every other country will follow suit. Expect massive shortages on “STUFF” even after we get back on our feet with a new domestic backed currency. 

Bitcoin, Bitcoin, Bitcoin! in your own possession, in your own wallet!

Make a checklist starting with the basic necessities such as toilet paper, medicines, soap, cleaning supplies, clothes, etc. Then you should move on to survival gear such as matches, tents, sleeping bags, knives, camping gear, etc. Then think about barter stuff like cosmetics, alcohol, sporting goods, kids toys, bicycles, etc.

EVERYTHING you stock up on can also be used for barter because there will be things that you didn’t think of but will really, really want. Barter goes both ways. It will take some time before manufacturing of most goods starts again. It will start with the necessities and slowly but surely we will rise from the ashes…but it will all be domestic production for a while.

Tools To Rebuild Your Future – Once the initial shock wears off we will ALL be able to CREATE A NEW LIFE for ourselves. Remember…there will be no more debt. Many of the old jobs will disappear (finance jobs will be cut back the most) but new jobs will be available as we rebuilt our civilisation.

So think about WHAT YOU ALWAYS WANTED TO DO but never had the time, money or confidence to do and start preparing for it now. What are the “tools of the trade” you might need for your new profession? It will take a while for manufacturing to get back on it’s feet so you might want to stock up on supplies now to get a head start on the competition. Remember, people will have the means of payment but not so much the tools to be a producer. Get a head start while the tools are still available.

Examples: If you always wanted to be a clothes designer stock up on fabrics and thread. An organic farmer should stock up on seed and fertiliser. A guitar player should stock up on strings and a recording equipment. A local bread baker should stock up on flour, ingredients and paper bags to sell their products. In the beginning of our rebirth everything will be small and community centric so think about what people will need, how you can contribute and what will fulfil your desires as a profession.

These are just some of the things you should be thinking about to prepare for the coming changes. If you live in the city you will have different wants, needs and resources than someone who lives in the country. REALLY put your head to this topic and ACT before the chaos begins…

How long? No one knows but it will take a while…

Initially “Shock” period where EVERYTHING shuts down and there is mass global then there will be a very slow improvement as local community’s band together trying to help each other through the crisis. These will be very hard and very dark days with a lot of anger, fear and chaos. We will get through it and it shell pass too!

In your spiritual foundation always follow your Heart, Trust and Know that you are always Guided and Protected by the Great Spirit / Divine Love / God / Universe / Force, you name it

the following are  things that I am encouraging everyone to stock up on in order to prepare for the chaotic times that are coming…

A) Dried food; crackers, seaweed, pasta, rice, flower, quinoa, beans, lentils, 

B) Food cans: vegetables, tuna, meet, etc… Anything with long shelf life. 

C) Food supplements; vitamins, pro-biotic, super foods, energy bars, etc… 

#1 A Generator (Preferably solar but if not than patrol)

#2 A Water Filter / purifier solution 

#3 A Rainwater Collection System If You Do Not Have A Natural Supply Of Water Near You

#4 Emergency Medical Kit

#5 Rice

#6 Pasta

#7 Canned Soup

#8 Canned Vegetables

#9 Canned Fruit

#10 Canned Chicken

#11 Jars Of Peanut Butter

#12 Salt

#13 Sugar

#14 Powdered Milk

#15 Bags Of Flour

#16 Yeast

#17 Lots Of Extra Coffee / Tea / Cacao / Chai (If You Drink It)

#18  Long-Term Storable Food

#19 Extra Vitamins / super foods / pro biotic / chaga mushroom

#20 Lighters and or Matches potentially bbq fire starters

#21 Candles 

#22 Flashlights Or Lanterns

#23 Plenty Of Wood To Burn

#24 Blankets

#25 Sleeping Bags

#26 A Sun Oven

#27 An Extra Fan If You Live In A Hot Climate

#28 Hand Sanitiser

#29 Toilet Paper

#30 Extra Soap And Shampoo

#31 Extra Toothpaste

#32 Extra Razors

#33 Bottles Of Bleach

#34 A Battery-Powered Radio

#35 Extra Batteries

#36 Solar Chargers

#37 Trash Bags

#38 Tarps

#39 A Pocket Knife

#40 A Hammer

#41 An Axe

#42 A Shovel

#43 Work Gloves & boots

#44 N95 Masks

#45 Extra Seeds For A Garden

#46 Canning Jars

#47 Extra Supplies For Your Pets

#48 An Emergency Supply Of Cash

#49 Spiritual ingredient For Every Member Of Your Family (Mantra/Crystal/Book/MP3/etc)

#50 A “Bug Out Bag” For Every Member Of Your Family with minimal basic supply.

#51 organic soil & gardening essentials (plant food, etc)

To be continued…

Your with love, Ami

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