Tuesday 7/7 Awareness
Good morning family
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Its so beautiful to see this family of love becoming more connected each and every day.
It is nice relief to see how you are all beginning to support and hold space for each other more and more.
it gives me the peace of mind and heart knowing that we are all sharing the load of support rather it being just me 😊
Anxiety… what is it?
why is it?
for a good reason!
it is bottled up emotions that have been buried/ suppressed/ denied/ neglected.
the energy of it has reached a maximum point of accumulation and searching for a pressure release.
it rises up from our base Sacral chakras to the heart…
think of it like a dam of water that is filled up and is over flooding…
it needs someone to open up the dam gates to release the water into the river.
it needs an outlet through the throat chakra…expression.
internal or external expressions…
breath, writing, reflecting, talking, expressing, dancing, playing music, painting, etc…
it can be with someone or with self.
dont seat & cook with it, move it…let it move…Express it…
you will feel much better afterwards…
in our case the anxiety makes sense…we have just been stripped naked to our emotional/mental/spiritual core of our being.
we are integrating 5 intense weeks of eclipses with super strong alignments…
dont freak out its completely making sense.
take notes, journal we are on a big karmic journey of uncovering and discovering our truth on a whole new level.
be gentle…
the moon is now in Aquarius exploring future possibilities of reinventing our emotional lifes with rebalious nature against our past…
she is right now in a trine with Venus she wants to feel good and pass through the challenges she faced in 2020 & 2012.
at 2:37 the moon in Aquarius will square Uranus the ruler of Aquarius in Taurus.
They would have loved to swap over since the moon loves being in Taurus and Uranus loves being in Aquarius.
they have swapped sides so that the future (Aquarius) will be guided by the emotional (moon) true values(Taurus) with the help of the futuristic rebel Uranus in the values of Taurus.
Tomorrow at 8:38 pm Mars in Aries will square Mercury retrograde in Cancer and there will be expressions…
it will happen aa Mars is closing in on Chiron the wound and all of them aligns with Venus (relationships/ love/sex/money) in gemini (expression)
we have a lot to talk about and there is no more Time to wait because destiny is calling…
we just need to make sure that we Express our warrior masculine mars with love & compassion the wisdom of the feminine rather than the upset/hurt/wounded ego of the masculine warrior mars because that will mean…war that we don’t need.
be gentle and Express now otherwise the anxiety of now will blow up in your and your beloveds face…
have a great day 💖