SUN – Neptune
Good afternoon family 🤩
It is Friday again 🤪
It is 9/11 again 😳
lets see what today will bring 😎
A few hours ago the moon is on the north node of the moon in Gemini – Emotional reflections & discussion of future decisions / perception / trade.
in order to have:
they trine Juno in Libra installing harmony & balance in our sacred union’s/ relationships.
They also align with Saturn in Capricorn- mature serious karmic decisions thoughts and conversations.
The moon will move into Cancer at 6:22 pm tonight.
12 hours later the sun will oppose Neptune but we are already building up to it.
this brings up the dreams, healing, miracles, magic as the highlight of the moon process above.
It also brings up the illusions/ deceptions/false/ lies/ escapism.
each one decides where to take it and how to work on it.
Its a matter of choice…
mental focus can go in each direction you choose.
choose wisely to create the dream with spirit rather then escape reality by believing in old karmic illusions that must come to an end.
Black moon lilith retrograde back into Mars in Aries again…
discord/ fire/ be aware…
they both oppose Juno in Libra (which is aligned with moon & north node in Gemini & Saturn in capricorn).
Juno is on top of all of this process as the mother of all goddesses coming to install harmony by ending unions which are not sacred and enforcing unions which are sacred.
Mercury in Libra opposition to Chiron in Aries- The wound… is coming up for discussion/ reflection in order to achieve realisations and decisions that will promote balance in relationships with others and within us between our mind & heart, our old false, trauma based dynamic and the new real true dream.
its karmic… highly karmic
its divinely guided by great spirit in order to facilitate healing by exposing the lies (internal and external) in order to create space for the dream of love.
let go of illusions that hurt you and injures you by repeating cycles of pain.
focus on manifesting your dreams and collective dreams.
Today into tomorrow is dream time medicine!!!
Sound healing, music healing, unconditional love healing, magic!!
Surrender your pain/fears to spirit & allow spirit to intervene for your highest good.
great time for a vision quest, vision board, vision writing, dream time meditation.
Happy Friday 🙏💖😇