Red hot Times of action
The clock is ticking time is running out the shift will be sudden and instant. by then you want to be ready!
As I am posting this Mars is squaring the moon nodes.
Mars the warrior, action, initiation, courage, strength, bravery.
south node represents the past in Saggitarius – old way of thinking/ old philosophy
north node represents the future in Gemini- quick decision, trying new things, curiosity, learning, commerce, trade, stock market, cryptocurrency trade.
In case you are worried about investing $1000 or $100,000 in Bitcoin, think about the fact that grayscale investment fund just bought 19,000 Bitcoin only in this week!!!
that is 185 million usd!!!
dont let them be the only ones making profit, get your mars into Aries and initiate with confidence!
Update from today
in case you are thinking of the old way solutions, listening to what old school advisors are telling you then you are doing the south node… not so great…
let this picture’s speak for themselves