Pay attention tonight…
Tonight is a big night family
take action inwards and pay attention to the msgs & the guidance…
10:42 #Mercury in Leo squares #Uranus in Taurus on the 10 degree where the sun squared Uranusa week ago… What have you been processing?…
This energy brings electricity, potantial nervous system hyperactivity – drink water, ground the energy into your base chakra and into the earth.
meditate or observe
Sudden unexpected revolutionary change innovation enlightenment.. ah ah moments followed by moon conjunct Uranus.
Good time to meditate with intention of guidance, realisations, communication with spirit is between 10:20 – 11pm if not even earlier into it…
same with such intentions for our sleep dream time tonight.
Pay attention to your thoughts, conversations & realisations.
Mars conjunct Black moon lilith in Aries – The warrior/ action together with the rebalious goddess of dischord…
both of them are squaring the lord of the underworld Pluto for a deep transformation by taking action of facing fear/pain/insecurity/shame/etc… in order to evelove based on the guidance of the heavens through Mercury-uranus and…
The north node of the moon (future direction) in Gemini (mind/trade/communications/ decision/ perception) is aligned with Saturn (Karma/structure) and it also opposes the sth node (past) on the galactic centre (source energy)… DIVINE ORDER IS GUIDING ALL THAT IS HAPPENING.
The doors are closing… every day a bit more… final days of action…
Thursday Mars will square Pluto…
To be continued…
spirit is here…you just need to connect 🙏💖😇