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New Moon in Scorpio 28.10.19

Healing New Moon Blessings!!!
Please join us on Monday 28/10 @ 12 pm   or  @ 7 pm for a new moon sound healing meditation! It would be lovely to see you!
Inquiries 0451 963 321
This is the 3rd consecutive New Moon which align with Uranus in Taurus and it makes perfect sense why Uranus in Taurus energy is so active over the last few months and right now.

This New Moon is on the 4th degree of Scorpio in direct opposition to Uranus on the 4th degree of Taurus. 
The opposition is considered to be a challenging aspect since it’s a meeting of two opposing forces but for better!  it serves the need of an fundamental update to empower growth & evolution.
On this New Moon we also have Mars in Libra squaring Saturn in Capricorn- this is the check point before we move on asking are you sure that this is what you want? 

Firstly Scorpio energy is one of deep transformation, facing the deepest most intimate feelings / emotions / pain / passion / sexuality / power / truth! Scorpio take no BS its in your face confronting you with your bullsh…@, it brings all the hidden out into the light the secrets, lies,   you may face your deepest fears & deal with wounding archetypes of betrayal, abandonment, rejection. You might feel your self tuning into your sexuality, desires, addictions, power in away that will reveal to you insights and realisations which will help you change your life in a trans formative way.

Top that up with opposition to Uranus and you get a revolution from the inside out and from outside in. Uranus is the lightning strike from no where and illuminates perception, sudden, unexpected, shock, surprise, trauma, Innovative, high tech, futuristic, revolutionary, and comes as a lightning from the higher dimensions and deliver an abrupt reset  when you lease expected it. 

Uranus is in Taurus and Uranus is not his type 🙂
Taurus is kind of the opposite…stubborn, dosnt like changes, fixed Earth, solid, working heard, slow and steady wins the race, step by step with persistence and devotion all in order to live a good quality life, filled with beauty, love, good value, joy, good health, grounded, safe, stable, secure.

No wonder why Taurus is the star sign that represent Finance, economy, health, values & valuables.
So when you combine both of them together you get the image of :

Uranus the farmer trying to get the bull to move to a new better field of grass but the stubborn bull like it as it is & wouldn’t move even though the farmer screams & tries to push the bull with no success but a grumpy annoyed Taurus. 
So… the farmer brings an friendly weak vegan friendly 🙂 electric shocker and gives the bull an electric shake up to get going… The bull scared, shocked & surprised jumps and run away to the new field of better grass where the most beautiful sexy cow was waiting for a sensual love making.
The bull felt like the luckiest electrically shocked being on the planet while he made love to his cow 🙂 
Both the farmer & the bull where much happier now as life was in better quality with more happiness, pleasure, connection, passion, deep feelings of love & empowerment.
You see it will all be for better but right now we are striped naked to the core of out beings to face all that stands in our way towards a happier & better future. 

It is a great month to dive deep, to feel deep feelings, to understand your sexuality & desires. What do you need to manifest in your life ?  be flexible with life and allow your self to change, things will happen out of no where, people will do sudden things, Be the wise one, do not react. On the good side of things if you are on the path this will be sudden blessings coming into your life in forms of love, money, new friends, job, home, jacket 🙂

As for the collective… Buckle up your seat belts and trust the upcoming episode of Humanity on planet earth, we are now entering a very intense period of time which I have been talking about and looking into for the past 2 years with great admiration to this process. 

As discussed for the new moon Uranus is in Taurus from 2018 until 2025 – 7 years!!
Uranus – Sudden , irruption, change out of no where, breaking free, revolution for better life towards a new innovative future.

Taurus – All of the above will take place in the fields of Finance, Economy, Agriculture, fashion, beauty, health.

Notice how much of it is already happening…
It is already unfolding with social unrest due to locals struggle with the corruption and financial hardship all over the world: Hong Kong, France, England, Spain, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Bolivia, Chile, Venezuela, Ecuador, Argentina, Guinea, Zimbabwe and probably some more on top of the global climate change protests.

There are many power struggles in the world dynamics between USA, China, Russia, Iran, Turkey, Syria, England & Brexit, etc…

There are more and more concerning headlines from all round the world indicating that sometime in the near future something will happen in the world economy which will be trans-formative. How? when? where? why? no one knows but most agree that it doesn’t look stable… 

Money is searching for safe heaven, valuables such as gold & silver are being bought in massive amounts by governments and central banks on top of individuals.

This is a classic Uranus in Taurus in my opinion!!! 
Bitcoin is a new innovative form of value, created by technology/hi tech and is chosen & used by the people of the world. it is a revolution for the concept of finance, economy and how we value things. It also presents a new concept of perception, thought, operation called Decentralisation. And it is implementing a new platform called Lightening network!!! How xan you be more Uranus oriented than that?!!

so as the energy is cooking guess what Bitcoin did…  on Saturday a sudden unexpected rise of 43% = $3000 usd took place over 20 hours from $7300 to $10,370 usd.

AI -Artificial Intelligence development is moving fast with robots, drones, 3D printers, quantum computers,  Face recognition,

the US Navy filed a patent for a super fast “flying saucer” aircraft, the Psy-Fi future is already coming into our lives with technology all around us for some its on the inside as well.

Japan had the worst Typhoon in history 2 weeks ago, California is on fire again and I am sure that I can bring many more events but you get the idea…

 I know it may sounds full on but all I am doing is to raise awareness towards that which is already here. If we are aware at lease we can understand it better as a part of the bigger picture. In that way we dont get sucked into the drama and observe it from a trusting conscious center.
There is so much more I can share but that is enough for now 🙂
Healing New moon!!! Much love

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