Jupiter conjunct Pluto chart
WOW!!! I just had a massive download…
This is fascinating!!!
I have found a direct evidence to the correlation between the poo cases peaks and the Jupiter (magnifying) conjunction with Pluto (pandemic/ death/fear/secretes/ hidden/abuse of power)
As I have said in the live stream… The 3rd massive croscendo is ahead of us…
The exact conjunction is on 13/11 but would be felt strongly 2-3 days prior and after…
dats after 11/11!!
I believe the the next wave will be parabolic in an extreme way in all ways of pluto.
In this 3rd final wave the Rebirth will begin while chaos will overflow…
interesting enough it falls on the USA elections 14/11 the day Mars go direct.
The warrior will be riding to conquer the new world of the new self.
Wow… this is absolutely the most intense and amazing journey which we are on.
Hold on to your center and trust the divine plan.
The light will shine from this darkness and it will be worthy of all these challenging times.
We are the ones we have been waiting for πππ
This intense wave which will build up from now will include high magnitude in the following:
Pandemic expansion
variation & mutation
abuse of power
abuse of sex
vibrations of fear
Gates of Shambala/underworld
Madre medicina
reclaimed power
reclaimed sexuality
deep healing
As you read this post please remember that Pluto is the ruler of scorpio and the master of transformation in a true intense nature of
evolution of light by facing the darkness
evolution of love by facing the fears
evolution of power by facing dis empowerment & insecurities.
evolution of glorified powerful rebirth by facing death…
death of the old self/world/ reality/intimacy…
Keep your head above the water, breath through it and surrender to the river of life while you trust the divine plan.
Interesting that the death cases in red has actually stayed low…
it will be interesting to see if it will continue to go down to non or jump while cases in blue continue to increase…
if cases go up and death goes down that will give ppl a good reason to march the streets while suppression increases…
the amount of disclosures that is about to unfold is what excite me the most…
the USA elections will be a massive dirty laundry room that has an global importance and effect…
to be continued…
Aho πππ