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It is manifesting in front of our eyes… No.1

It was September of 2017,  my spiritual journey deepens into astrology with pure fascination of how accurate it has been in history. I have started to look ahead in a playful way but I have stumbled upon an combination of events that will take my life on one if the most intense journeys of my life.  

I am a Taurus and I love being it 😍 it has its strength & weakness.  

As I was playing around I get to see that Uranus moves into Taurus for 7 years from 2018-2025. Due to my personal interest I have begun my research. When I understood that Uranus cycle is 84 years with 7+ years in each star sign, I looked for the years of the last time he was in Taurus and what i found alerted me… 1934-1942 times of the great depression – It was the longest, deepest, and most widespread depression of the 20th century which led into the rise of Hitler & WWII.

 When I have been guided to deliver the uncomfortable msg of the times we are living in now, I wasn’t comfortable but I had a responsibility to empower people with Awareness.  Why uncomfortable?… 

Taurus is an earth fixed sign, solid, heard working, slow & steady wins the race. it is the Base Chakra, It doesn’t like changes because it is about safety, security, stability. 

And Uranus is the sudden unexpected change, radical, revolutionary, innovative, futuristic.  

Taurus is ruled by Venus & the energy is about: Money, finance, economy, Values, quality, Family, relationships, Love, Sensuality, sexuality, Health, beauty, fashion, mother earth, nature and Agriculture.  

Uranus is ruler of Aquarius & the energy is about: The world, other people, young generations, higher mind, electricity, technology, High tech, internet, nervous system, shock, Trauma, the lightning strikes out of nowhere…  

when I combined the ingredients I got : Sudden unexpected revolutionary change of advancement towards a new future for HUMANITY, the Earth & the world.

This change will take place in mother earth, Nature, Health, Finance, Values, etc…

In my human nature I have freaked out a bit, after all I have a family to take care of, back than I had 3 communities in 3 locations on top of my beloveds and everyone else.

Over the following 6 months I have dived into the most intense research of understanding more, learning & teaching more, Preparing as much as we can for some uncomfortable times which will pass but will challenge us.

I slept an unhealthy average of 3-4 hours a night, any spare time beside work  was invested in learning about finance, economy, concurrency, astrology, you name it… My wife wasn’t happy at all… I stopped, worked towards balance while delivering my research to all with passion of service.

2 years later I am watching every thing I said come to fruition…

We have:


– Corona Virus is spreading and expending its activity, There are 4 different kinds of Flu in     Chine. Corona Virus is in other countries as well. 

– If this situation continues in this fashion that will eventually create a shortage of supply of     medical equipment, medications, etc…


– Antarctica broke a record last week of 18 degrees Celsius 

– Locus plague of biblical proportions hits Africa & middle east with Kenya, Somalia,
   Ethiopia & Pakistan in a state of emergency, devastating crops and creating severe
   damage to food supply 

– Australia heat  & Bush fire records leading to more extreme weather symptoms, and     
  damage to farms, crops, cattle, animals, plants. trees. 

– Many earthquakes around the planet

– Volcano’s in Hawaii, New  Zealand & Fiji on top of many other activity.

– Flooding in Jakarta, Bolivia, Spain, Venice & more

– -50 degrees in Canada and extreme cold in America


Severe damage to the food supply of 

Australia (Bush fires), 

Africa & Middle east (Locus), 

USA, Asia & Europe (flooding)


The corona Virus is becoming to be the potential Black Swan event which will trigger the unpreventable crumble of the old patriarchy & the financial system. 

It effects the entire global industries of: 

manufacturing, shipping, Factories, Automobile, Technology,  tourism, education, Real Estate, Dining, Hospitality, Export & Import of many of your day by day life, Gadgets, Furniture, fashion, medical, Minning – Metals,Uranium, etc..  

Because most of production is made in China and its region including Korea, Vietnam & Hong Kong which are now also in process of strict quarantine, meaning no production there as well. 

In March the world suppose to get his delivery of the first stock order of 2020 after the Chinese new year break… the break is still on… the delivery wont come for some time… so the ripple effect is still on its way unfortunately…

A big part of tourism  & investors comes from China, that benefited also the Australian Real estate market very well over the last decade and reaching ridiculous top prices which are way above younger generations ability. 

That is on top of a recent change in the Australian law which now will charge foreign investors Capital gain tax after they have been freed from it… They have a few weeks to get rid of them before the law takes place. This 2 conditions could potentially effect the real estate market with more sellers and less buyers. That is how a correction in the real estate market begins. All moves in waves.

Economy is showing concerning signs for many years and it is in perfect conditions to crash. The banks are broke and they are all landing billions of money every night from the central banks. It is madness!

Everything moves in waves and every cycle has its beginning and its end.

The stock market keep on breaking all time high while the entire manufacturing engine of the world being China is paralysed. No factories = no production = no deliveries = no products =  Global Economy is jammed. obviously some people/institutions are making huge amounts of money until the right moment…

In my humble opinion it is a very high risk time to be in the stock market right now because this is when the smart money begins to exit and take profits into the next investment. This is the classic trap while at the same time you have other places which are at the bottom and beginning their cycle upwards. This is not a financial advise but just a sharing of my personal opinion. You should always do your own due diligence.

On the other Hand for the past 2 years I have been saying Precious Metals & Bitcoin… 

Gold already broke all time high since than, Silver is getting ready, and Bitcoin is about to get into a very active upwards trend, the beginning of a 1.5-2 years upwards cycle much higher than now. An opportunity of once in a life time when you live in the moments of creation of the future economy; decentralised, trust-less, digital, instant, fair.

once that begins where will the money go? That’s right… what will the smart money leave behind? Yes it is written up there…


Revolution of the sexes : Feminine rising, Gay, Lesbian, Transgender marriages.  

Revolution of Family structure: Swinging, Open Marriages, co parenting, single parent families.

Revolution of spirituality: New age, Yoga, Meditation, Sound Healing, Shamanic healing, nature, mindfulness, etc…

Revolution of food consciousness: Vegetarians, Vegans, Raw food, Organic, well being.

Revolution of medicine: healing through natural ingredients and medicines.

And the list get go on…

The question to my research was:


They sold what they had at the top and bought what they didn’t have at the bottom. Once you see the cycle it gets easier to navigate and plan.

When I have told people to stack important medications, shelf food & storage of water, little did I knew that the current situation with the Corona Virus has the potential to be a valid reason to do that in advance. I will still recommend to do that for the just in case scenario. You see its all about being responsible and creating your own safety. In that way you can feel better about your situation.

You can buy Bitcoin event in $20 !! you dont have to have $14,000 for a full Bitcoin.

You can buy a coin (1OZ) of Silver in $27 its not much!

You can buy a spare can of food, bag of rice, etc.. every time you do your weekly shop.

You can keep some cash at home for back up.

you can buy your important medications now while the stock is still cool.

You can plant your own food in your garden or pot plant.

You can organise your finances and be smart.

You can trust your self more and do your best to be at the right place in the right time.

Spirit is guide you each and every moment.

The most important thing is not to be persuade into fear, worry, etc… stay in the loving trusting peaceful heart and watch the divine plan taking place in front of our eyes as we are birthing the AGE OF AQUARIUS!

The new future of humanity begins here and now.

I will share more on the “Future Awareness” event 14/03/2020 please join us!


Inquiries 0451 963 321

Much love, Ami

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