Huston we are communicating again…over…
as I have said in the live stream… Now the fog is lifting and the msg/realisations/ communications about the future is coming through.
Listen… and you will know…
Moon in Leo – the goddess wants the best feelings based on the royal self needs and Leo likes only the best!
She feels it strongly as she aligns with the wounded self (Chiron) that had enough of feeling unworthy, insecure.
She is going to be abrupt about it as she Aligns with Black moon lilith the rebalious goddess of dischord. which meets the rebalious, revolutionary & innovative Uranus.
They are having a bombastic coffee catch up in Taurus where they decide to rebel against the old values and ways of living. going into a new direction suddenly…unexpectedly…
The moon goddess also connected in this conference call with the south node of the moon which is on the galactic centre.
The old ways of beliefs are guided to be dismenteled, altered, out of the door in direct command of the highest order.
Family… the future is coming through… listen to your divine guidance.
meditate to connect with it
Do a card reading to your self, automatic writing, creative expression…
give spirit an outlet for communication and then be in an open empty space to receive.
It will happen out of the blue… realisations, dots connected, decisions, expressions…
Mercury on the north node of the moon in the final 29th degree of Gemini…about to go into cancer…
the msg you have been processing over the last 2.5 weeks is coming into a final moment of decision, of making up your mind about your future…
That makes sense why many of you suddenly have the urge to get into Bitcoin and stop procrastinating… mmmmm…. interesting 😍
for orhers it might be about your job, commerce, trade, communications, technology, transportation, perspective, etc…
the best part of it is that as Mercury moves into cancer and the moon is the lions heart (leo)
the confusing mental process is now dropping into the heart conciousness.
Now we will be able to seat with it and feel it through our heart guidance which is always according to our highest truth, spirit guidance. rather then our wounded ego mind.