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Healing night!!

Go inwards tonight and feel… meditate or reflect… notice the events, the msgs and your dreams.

Hello #moon #goddess
bring us your loving msg from #spirit as tonight you will meet the North node of the moon on the 0 degree of #cancer for the last and final time.
you will make us feel the future of our emotional security.
You will do it with full glory As the #sun is still with #Uranus providing the #innovative #revolution of self in the physical reality through sudden unexpected change.
You will make the msg loud & clear since at the same time #Mercury the messenger of the gods will make love to Black moon lilith the rebalious goddess of dischord in #Aries (self).
& of course that at the same time #Venus the goddess of #love which is trying to understand & express her love life & #finance in the mental #gemini. she will align with #mars the #warrior who is taking action towards the new #future in #Aquarius. They will connect & negotiate matters of the future with the influence of their alignment to #Neptune in his home at #Pisces.
That brings the #magic #healing #miracles of our #mystical #connection to #spirit In a #sacred space through #dream time #healing music & #sound #healing #meditation creativity, contemplation.
HEALING night BLESSINGS 🙏 @healingdelight #healingdelight

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