Finding the beauty
With all the chaos that is…
Venus is traveling through Taurus her home, they love eachother!
Venus & Taurus reminds us to be present, in the moment, in our bodies, to find the beauty.
It asks of us to know… what do we really value? how can we find happiness and love in this moment?
It reminds us to focus on quality rather than quantity!
To enjoy our sensuality through our senses. To listen or play a beautiful piece of music, smell the roses, be in nature, eat good nutrient food, watch a good movie or a beautiful sunset.
Draw, paint, gardening, build, create, cook. Be creative, have fun.
Focus on the light , focus on love.
This was my creation today…
I have built @healingdelight new “Light House” studio desk from recycled furniture and pure passion.
Blessings to all who struggle in these times.
The “light house”studio is almost done & soon we will do our first proper live stream.
Coming soon…
Much love