Lets Dance a bit 🕺💃
As we began a new cycle with a new moon in Aries (self/ego) which was in conjunction with Chiron (wounded self) This time reminds us how to be humble again.No titles of society, no audience to present our self too, back to the roots of
Teachings from Reggie Middleton
Reggie Middleton is a very knowledgeable person in finance and economy. He predicted many previous events and created the cryptocurrency called “Veritasum” which is a blockchain platform for peer to peer trading. His project Veritasum is not liked by the banks and the current system
Teachings from Reggie Middleton
Reggie Middleton is a very knowledgeable person in finance and economy. He predicted many previous events and created the cryptocurrency called “Veritasum” which is a blockchain platform for peer to peer trading. His project Veritasum is not liked by the banks and the current system
New moon aries sound healing meditation LIVE
Well….we did it…Thank you all for joining me.I had a quick look after we finished and the sound wasnt great. 🤔All is a learning curve. Now we know better 😇much love, ami
Global financial update
Hello dear friends, today I have been busy organising the new sacred space. Thanks to your support I invested the funds you have given me since the beginning. I just got proper Audio equipment so that I will be able to record here the sound
Live stream Tue @6pm
Hello beloeds,since we had to close our doors, I moved my creative focus towards the new present situation. Lots of work to do!!! I have been busy all day fixing up my new operation room from which I will be able to do lots of