Bitcoin is moving & proving.
Uranus in Taurus- #revolution in finance & economy through #technology, high tech, #innovation, #futuristic. By the people, young generations for the new #future of #humanity and the world.
#Bitcoin halving is happening on the 11/05 on the same day Saturn goes retrograde.
over the last 7 weeks Bitcoin has gone from $3782 usd to now breaking $9400 usd.
That is happening at the Same time that global economy is jammed with supply chain being broken & local currency collapsing (such as Venezuela & Lebanon to name a few) & unemployment breaking negative records.
I will let the picture say the rest…
Do your homework!!!
Do your own due diligence!!!
make serious decisions about your future!!!
As the month of May kicks in the roller coaster will get even more crazy with moon nodes shifting on the 5/5 from Cancer/capricorn into gemini/Saggitarius for the next 18 months.
As they shift the axis, the south node will be ON THE GALACTIC CENTRE!!! And while the nodes channels the guidelines from the highest source of the galactic centre we will have :
#Saturn retrograde on the 11/5
#Venus retrograde on the 13/5
#Jupiter retrograde on the 14/5
on top of #Pluto who is already in retrograde since last week.
Achieve as much progress and preparation as you can & expect the unexpected.
remember to trust all that is unfolding as the divine plan manifests itself.
Do not fear the change, embrace it with love. Let go of the past & make changes for the future.
You are safe & protected by the divine love, #greatspirit and #motherearth.
much love @healingdelight #healingdelight #soundhealing #soundtherapy #soundhealingcentre #melbourne #australia #astrology #awareness #consciousness #wellbeing #wellness #spredinglove #shinninglight #weareinthistogether #community #support #love