Another big week…
Hello family, Happy Tuesday.
I hope that you are all hanging on to your trusting centre.
The moon was on top of Pluto/jupiter in capricorn therefore the possible yucky feelings over last few days.
That is on top of the dynamic between Mars & Neptune closing in on eachother – possibly loss of power/ energy/direction on the shadow side. but could also be the inner calling to get out of illusions and pursue a dream, taking action for healing with spirit, facing addictions/substance abuse…
And the are squaring with Sun in Gemini – building up tension for a needed breakthrough in the mental/ expression aspect of soul/IAM.
Eres is squaring pluto – dischord/ death/rebirth.
This is going all week long & this chart is for Thursday evening 7:28 pm when the exact square of sun with Neptune/ mars will talk place.
Notice that the moon will align with moon nodes which indicates that it will be significant shift that is got to do with letting go of the past believe & invent the future
Since the moon and moon nodes align on 29th degrees it is very significant. South node on galactic centre- divinely guided by the highest order.
moon in Aquarius its about the future with ppl and the world involved.
Venus retrograde in the underworld is aligning with Chiron so she is really feeling her pain and wounds while marsthe masculine is in the important decision making with sun & Neptune.
This is a huge week and very very very significant part of the shift.
Mars Neptune sun thing is like being on an LSD trip and wanting it to be over , to be back like yourselves but you are stuck on a trip….
You know that it will.pass and that if you will freak out it will become a very bad trip so…
You hold space, waiting for it to pass while maintaining what you can maintain inside of you…your mind/breath but its not easy…can be a bit scary but it will pass…and you will then know why it happened .. rhe realisations will drop as Neptune will drop a medicinal moment of ah ah after you surrender and let go of an old illusion that kept you stuck in the past.