Old patriarchy exposed
entertainment for Mercury retrograde in scorpio that I recommend watching.
Please know that I have no political agends neither an political opinion in this. I am not into politics! This is just to create Awareness.
This is a show that Naomi showed me last week…
I don’t know if you are aware of it but there is a big war happening right now in the media…
between media tycoons, governments, social media and its all interconnected.
Everything that is happening now is related to it!!!
its big its huge and it will continue to explode.
Facebook/ Twitter / YouTube & governments with and against Murdoch dynasty’s which is the director of all upheaval of the last 40 years. including Brexit, Iraq war, elected prime ministers and more…
The master of puppets is being exposed as he is loosing his power in his old age towards the end of his life…
we watched it on foxtel…
try to find it…
everything is connected to it.
Including the manipulation of mind control agendas towards us the people of the earth.
I view link for Australia streaming
English link for BBC.
you can put your VPN on England location to watch it if you are not from England.