Mercury Retrograde
Hello Family
Today at 12:05 pm Mercury went retrograde until the 4th of November.
Mercury is about communication, expression, thoughts, perception, mental department, commerce, technology, trade, transportation, telecommunications.
on a planetary level it means that today Mercury is in its closest distance to earth which makes its potency more intense, so if you had a mental day its ok 😊
It happens while Mercury is still in opposition to Uranus as in the past week and it will continue for another week.
Uranus- sudden, unexpected, lightning strike, higher mind, revolutionary, nervous system, electricity, hitech, innovative, rebalious, rules other people / the world.
The exact opposition happened last Thursday, What events took place for you last wed-Thur?
That was take 1, trigger point.
the 2nd opposition will take place next Tuesday. Trigger point 2 as a continuation of point 1.
The third final opposition 17/11 will bring the conclusion, finalisation of this process.
take note of the sudden ah ah moments, insight, flash of genius, revelation, conversation, etc…
Mercury is on Scorpio, Uranus is in Taurus. axis of intimate feelings, needs, desires, relationships, sexuality, pleasure, finance, health.
flavor of secrets, hidden, manipulation, power dynamics with correlation to Deeply embedded fear / trauma /abuse / unconscious patterns.
This is a recipe for deep transformation toward evolution specially as this Mercury retrograde will end in the intensity of scorpio season.
Retrograde process involves a few phases.
1. Mercury entered the territory in which he will retrograde back to.
That is called the shadow zone.
It started as the sun moved into Libra with the general mission of balance and harmony in our relationships.
Mercury was at the end of Libra finalizing what is right and what is wrong with relationships.
He was in opposition to Mars emphasizing the masculine warrior, sense of self.
It squared Saturn to make it highly karmic and serious decisions to make for the long term effects.
He was on his way to meet Juno the goddess of sacred relationship / union / marriage.
The moon nodes were involved, bringing the past and the future destiny into the process.
And Venus opposites Neptune topped it up with process of dreams vs illusions, unity vs separation, escapism vs embodiment. in the department of our relationships / love / finance/ / Values / Sexuality.
2. Mercury goes retrograde
Today… Mercury went retrograde after he met Juno. It happened on the mystical 11th degree of Scorpio the 11th month of the year where we celebrate the annual 11:11 day.
It will Also end the process on the 11th degree in a few weeks making it
11 (start) 11 (end).
It happened while Mercury still opposes Uranus and it also aligned with Venus conjunct the moon in Virgo. Both of the feminine aspects came together to deliver the emotional need to detox and perfect our relationships / values / sexuality / health / Finance…
The Sun in Libra opposite Mars retrograde in Aries highlights the Masculine need to find its courage and will power to face the music and reclaim its lost sense of self, potentially involved with flavors of anger, irritation, frustration, power battle…
Both of them aligned with the moon nodes once again highlighting the calling of our future destiny as the past emerges to the surface.
Jupiter aligns with Neptune bring a sweet pill of hope & faith by connecting to Spirit, our divinity and our connection to source.
3. Mercury reaches far back end where point 1 was and goes direct.
Mercury is now back in Libra revisiting the process of balance & harmony in our relationships which it started in October. This time it has to be done and it involves mature karmic serious decisions as it squares Saturn in Capricorn which is now on its way towards the big shift into Aquarius.
Jupiter is closing in on Pluto for their 3rd final conjunction in capricorn for hundreds of years to come. it will happen 4 astrological minutes away from the big Pluto Saturn conjunction point of 11/01/2020. (111 again).
It is big, it is huge, it can be scary or fearful since it forces us to face the end of the old patriarchy way of living.
The final trumpet is blowing.
Sun is in scorpio with Juno (again Juno) opposite the rebalious Black moon lilith goddess of dischord which is together with Uranus the revolutionary shocking “surprise” .
The also align with masculine warrior Mars retrograde in Aries and the reflective confused feminine emotion of the moon in Gemini (ruled by Mercury).
To add some more confusion & illusions… The moon nodes are getting really tight in their square to Neptune.
Big divinely guided destiny call to wake up from the nightmares and dream with spirit again, a dream of unity & love, miracles and healing. By then its crazy town!
10 days prior to the USA elections… whooooo
4. Mercury passes point 2 from which he started retrograde. Out of shadow zone.
Here we are… A week after USA elections… and all the main players in this Mercury Retrograde cycle are on critical end degrees of the signs.
The intense & transformative end of scorpio season with the Sun on 28th degree Scorpio, He aligns with Saturn at the 27th degree end of Capricorn together with the moon… ohhhh it is so highly karmic!
by now we must realise the emotional and mental decisions we must make.
Sun also aligns with the rebalious Black moon lilith at the critical 28th end degree of Aries and she doesn’t give a f$%k about anyone else but her needs.
Venus is also at the end critical 27th degree of Libra where she must establish the balance and harmony in her relationships / sexuality / values / finance.
She is squaring Saturn / moon in Capricorn and aligned with black moon lilith in Aries.
Its karma time!
It is here when Mercury is finally stepping out of shadow zone on the 11th degree of Scorpio after it passed its 3rd opposition to Uranus a few days earlier.
Realize how amazing is the fact that in all of this process the main players are those of relationships, the closest most intimate ones.
By now you must know that its primarily the relationship with ourselves!
on top of our partners, family, friends, community, culture, faith, spirituality, money, values , jobs, and the list goes on…
This is just the cycle of Mercury retrograde while in the background many other important events are taking place.
Its full on, its intense, we are giving birth and its not comfortable but the end result will be one of a long lasting effect.
Trust the divine plan and do the inner work. Your destiny is calling.
Follow your heart guided by spirit based on values of divine love.
Much love, Ami