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Rising into the Full moon

Good morning family
I trust that you are well.

This morning at 6 am the sun was in opposition to Chiron. highlighting & illuminating the wound for the needed healing.
still goes on through out today.

At 6:40 am Mars square Saturn for the 2nd time.
it is still ongoing today.
The warrior reflections of what needs to change in the structure of his life in order to accommodate his desired future way of being. free from the restrictions of the past wounding character/identity/duties/responsibility/karma of self.

At 3pm moon will conjunct Neptune the ruler of Pisces in Pisces!!! it is already unfolding throughout today into tomorrow. very sensitive energy,
game between lies/ deception/ illusion/ separation and
healing, spirit, miracle, divine love, dream, oneness…

At 3:34 pm Mercury will conjunct Juno in scorpio but it is already unfolding. communication/ reflection about the most intimate needs and the most sacred way of being in a relationship with all that is inside and outside of us.

And all this is happening as we are now rising into the full moon on Friday 7:04 am.

Pay attention…
All that is rising within is searching for a recognition of spirit which will lead to the release/ letting go of the full moon in Aries!
Aries is about the self/ego

In order for you to be your true self
the E must go in order to transcend the Ego

We just received a new delivery of pacha mama medicine with new sage and Paulo Santo.
If you need some contact us and we will be happy to send it to you.

much love 🧙‍♂️🌈😇

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