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Emerald Tablet- Alien wisdom

Good Day family
Welcome to August!!
Its August!!! the final third of 2020 begins now and what A year to live in!

in 20 years from now your young relatives will ask you:

Where were you in the time of great awakening?

you will say I was transforming my life with the most amazing group of souls.

And what did you do?
You will say I chose to vibrate on a higher vibration of love & light, of wisdom and spiritual truth.
I also bought silver/gold and Bitcoin when it was 8,9,10,11 thousand dollars.

what is dollar they will ask?
you will say it was a great illusion that kept humanity in materialistic slavery for hundreds of years.

they will say thank you so much for all that you have done in order for us to live as an awakened conciousness.
and thank you for buying Bitcoin back then, thanks to you our lifes are better.

I am humbly grateful to you all for choosing to be here with me.
For trusting my navigating guidance as we walk through the vortex into a whole new paradigm.

we have 173 members in our Patreon community and 110 members on this chat.
now I wonder…
who will be the 111 member in this chat?

As more of you are joining in there is even more positivity more love more wisdom more awesomeness.

keep it alive family
its a stunning day.
Uranus with the sun…get grounded with your feet on the earth, drink plenty of water and make some time without technology.

than tune into spirit there is a lot of spiritual presence.

much love ❤🧡💛💚💙💜💖

Ok… now lets bring some “Alien” information into your Awareness…

11 years ago I came across one of the most esoteric documents I have ever read.
It immediately resonated with me and I was fortunate enough to get a hold over a hard copy of it which I have until this day.

It is called “The Emerald tablet”
it is an historic document that was written by Toth the pharaoh himself… engraved by unknown technology on top of an emerald crystal tablet that cannot be destroyed.

It is kept in a hidden location near the pyramids of Geeza in Egypt guarded by a lineage of guards. it describes the hi-story of atlantis and how Thoth descended from Atlantis before it was destroyed as the keeper of wisdom which he then brought to the barbarian humans back than.

He stated that under the sphinx there is his light ship which will be activated at the time of the great battle between the dark and the light.

many more amazing details are described in it…

If you want to journey into the Uranus vibrations of esoteric teaching…
this will blow your crown chakra to a whole new level…

Enjoy 👽😇🧞‍♂️🧙‍♂️

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