Important Awareness
Good morning family
Meditate, Breath, feel but act with caution & patience.
Dont do the things you don’t want to do that cause you pain.
use humility as a comforting balm for the ego mind.
Chiron (wound/insecurity/pain that humbles our ego mind) stationed retrograde (felt strongly) at 7:09 am at the same time moon (feelings/emotions) moved into fiery Aries (definition of self /ego needs/wants/desires/ direction)
at 7:15, 6 min later the moon met with mars the ruler of Aries – super powerful feelings of self about self, as if the fire place is finally on fire in a cold freezing House.
at 10:02 am moon will be with chiron.
in all this time they all align with Mercury (perception/ thought/expression/ communication) which stations dead stop (confusion/ quastioning/misunderstanding) .
and with Venus (love/relationships/finance/values ) in Gemini (she is curious how to perceive it all in a way that feel better) and with Juno (sacred union/ marriage) Libra (Balance/ justice).
At the same time Sun (soul/Iam) trine neptune (dream/vision/ illusions/spirit/healing) they both align with Jupiter Pluto (magnified end of an era of abuse of power/ sexuality) at the January bombastic conjunction zone.
I will explain and talk farther about it all in our live stream today at 4pm.
Take it easy, step out of victimhood into humble understanding that you might have lost a battle but you haven’t lost the war.
sometimes we need to take 2 steps backwards before we take a leap jump forward.
Lets move forward! toward healing.
Mars will push us through this uncomfortable process into a new definition of an empowered self.