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Aboriginal prophecy

My beautiful sister Dalia from @secretanimalwisdom have come to rejuvenate in our last sound healing meditations that took place this week. As I have shared insights about the astrology of these times, Dalia added that there is an #aboriginal massage for the 21/12/2020 at 9pm to be and choose a #vibration of #Love.
There will be a pleadians lightship above sacred Uluru for a significant activation…
father/son team sharing the aboriginal elders info:

I just had a look at the chart of that time and its nuts!!!

Mars in Aries square pluto in capricorn- action of THE END of thr old patriarchy and all corruption/abuse of power
Saturn conjunct Jupiter on 0 degrees Aquarius- the trumpets are blowing for the new future, world, , global, world, humanity, innovation, revolutionary change, out of space, alien.
Mercury conjunct Sun in 0 degrees Capricorn- a strong and clear msg about the new structure/authority/karma
Venus (love/values/ relationships) in Saggitarius (optimistic/ aiming for the stars) aligns with Uranus (ruler of Aquarius where saturn/jupiter are, Sudden unexpected revolutionary change, futuristic, revolutionary, innovative)
Neptune in Pisces (spirit, miracles, magic, healing, unconditional love, angels, dream) is squaring the south node of the moon in Saggitarius (collective past, philosophy/belief) and with the north node of the moon in Gemini (communications,perception)
OMG this is huge!!!
so much more can be told…
remember this one as we go through the chaos of the birthing canal.

much love

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