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challenging energy

Welcome to #Taurus season which will be remembered!
Taurus energy is about #health #values #Money #finance #economy #motherearth #survival #safety #security #sexuality senses #pleasure #family & more.

Today is a big day energetically.
I will explain later on today with a quick livestream update.
As the Sun goes into 1st degree of Taurus it squares #Saturn #karma #structure #restriction #authority #law&order on 1st degree #Aquarius #future #innovation #world #humanity last time this happened was was 27/04/91
On that day the Dow Jones sky rocketed 3000 points on top of being the time of USSR breakdown, Berlin wall down, race to space and many more…
Now… The oil crashed and more volatile news will come out especially the financial markets/economy (Taurus).

On a personal level. Serious & responsible #decisions need to be made in order to create more security for our selves in the new future. decisions in regards to the structure of our life, job, work, finance, health, etc…
decisions that would help us find the beauty, love, pleasure, safety even in this harsh reality. —
#Chiron (wounded healer/pain) conjunct Black moon lilith (dischord) while #Moon (feelings) will conjunct #Mercury (perception/communication/commerce) in #Aries (Self/fire/assertion). WATCH OUT!
Stay away from victim narrative thoughts/arguments/fights.
It might feel depressing, disempowering, negative… there are no shortage in reasons for that!
This is a battle for our minds!
which thoughts/news/theories/ information/ conversations are helping/empowering us and which destroy our sense of self…
All of this is happening while the moon nodes are on the final 0 degrees of Cancer/capricorn axis.
finalization of 18 months process of obtaining new sense of emotional security while letting go of old way of obtaining practical security through the system/ structure of our physical reality.
And of course #Venus (love/money/ relationships) in Gemini (mind/commerce/ communication)
is trining mars (warrior, action) in Aquarius (future/innovation)…
Be kind and loving to yourself & to each other, think solutions with planning ahead.

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