Community service – Energetic update 18.03.2020
Hello beloveds,
This is a live recording of the channelled talk from tonight sound healing meditation 18.03
I am posting it for free available to everyone due to the times we live in as my community service.
In this talk I am giving the astrological insights that can give us a bit of better understanding of the current process that is unfolding and some guidance.
Everything that is going on has been predicted since it is written in the stars. We are following the divine plan, trust this process as uncomfortable as it may be.
Over the last couple of days I have received an overwhelming amount of messages on Instagram, whats-app, Facebook, email and sms’s from beautiful friends. All of them acknowledged me for my service over the last few years which included the predictions of all that unfolds.
It was overwhelming because I wasn’t expecting it but at the same time it was also comforting to know that I had the opportunity to guide so many to be aware of these times.
My motto was always the same… the more people will know and be aware the less panic and chaos we will have since it will be familiar to their consciousness rather than shocking surprise.
If you enjoyed it please join us and support us on our Patreon platform where I am posting a lot of info that I cant post on facebook or instegram due to the intense censorship!!! I also post every New moon & Full moon cahnnelled talk & the sound healing meditations.
when we will be in lock down I will keep on posting meditations and guidance over here to keep our community alive and connected!
You are not alone! We are in it together!!!
Much love, Ami